Sunday, January 15, 2017

My Christmas Vacation

       Glamorous lights filled my eyes, gratifying voices along the street filled my ears and the joy inside every home makes my heart complete. The memories brought by the most precious time of the year will never be vanish. Every stars shines with glitters in my sight that moment.

       In almost three weeks of holiday vacation or Christmas break, I spent most of my time on my family, friends, and relatives or what I called my "Treasures."

      December 25th on the evening, we attended the "Christmas Party of the Stars" held on our Church. Every parents is the centered guests of this event. Wearing their exhausting dresses they shimmer in a glance. It contains lot of activities that brings up the cheerful hearts of everyone.

       December 31st on the evening, our family gathered at my grandmother's ancestral house for a new year's eve family party. It contains some inspiring message for each member and also a parlor games. The distribution of the gifts is my most awaited part of the event. We are together to face the beginning of the year2017 with love in our hearts. This serve as our promise for everyone that we are united and God will be our strength as we take the jourmey of 2017.

      Time may fly so fast but the delighted memories will stay forever in my heart. The world may change rapidly but the most important thing is the love that we share, not just on Christmas but also in our day to day living here on Earth.